
Monday, April 4, 2011

Emily – 5 Months

Wow!  I absolutely cannot believe my baby is already 5 months!!  So much has changed since 4 months!!  It’s crazy!
Here are some pictures I took of her on April 3, 2011
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Here are Miss Emily's 5 month stats:
Height:  Not sure.  We didn’t have a doc’s appt. this month.  I’m going to assume she’s around 25”.
Weight: Probably somewhere around 14.5 or 15 pounds
Head Circumference: Not sure (again, no doctor’s appointment)
New Developments: Wow!  Where do I start???  Emily, you have started rolling like a mad woman!  A couple weeks ago, you really started rolling from your back to your stomach.  Then, you would get on your stomach and not know how to get to your back!  You are still rolling like crazy.  You have even started doing it in your sleep.  You now sleep on your tummy pretty much every night.  It scared us pretty bad at first, but we are more comfortable with it now and you seem happy, so we are okay!  You have also started on some “solid” foods.  I started you out on rice cereal from a spoon.  You did pretty good.  But then, I went to a class that said rice cereal is actually not the best first food for you!  So, I started giving you some bananas (today, in fact)!  You seem to really like bananas.  I can’t wait to start making you your own baby food!  You are talking more than ever!  You make all kinds of noises with your mouth.  You also giggle a lot.  You are really playing with your toys more and more.  You can hold on to things pretty well.  You took your first beach trip about a week ago.  You got in the pool and seemed to really enjoy it.  You are in size 2 diapers and wear size 3-6 months clothes.  You are growing like  a weed and we just cannot believe it.  I pray that we remember and cherish this time forever!


  1. Oh my goodness, she's adorable!! I love the headband, and she has so much hair!!! She's soo sooo cute!

  2. She is stunning! Way to go mom and dad!

  3. She is so adorable and precious!!! It is impossible not to love those beautiful leg rolls-so cute! I can't believe of all that hair. My 1-year-old little man it still bald!


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