
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Mirror Makeover

Hey guys!  We have been kind of “blah” around our house lately.  I haven’t been feeling well and I don’t think Emily has either.  She’s teething and has a runny nose so her naps have been wacky.  Which of course makes us all wacky!!

But I did want to take a few minutes to share with you guys a little somethin’ somethin’ I’ve been working on.

Scott’s parents sold their home in NY.  There was a ton of antique, really nice furniture in that home and his parents were generous to give some of the pieces to us.  More on that in another post.

Anyway, one of the pieces that his parents sent down to us was this gigantic vintage mirror!  It was gorgeous!


Please don’t look at my disgusting thunder thighs!  Just look at the mirror, mmmkay?

The only problem with this mirror was the color.  It’s such a gorgeous piece but the gold color just wouldn’t go with anything in our home.


So I decided to paint it!

I went to Hobby Lobby looking for just the right product for this job and I think I found it!


This stuff was awesome and worked great. 

I didn’t even tape the mirror off.  I just got busy painting using small brushes!

And here’s how she turned out:



Of course since I didn’t tape off the mirror or cover it with paper, there were some smudges on the mirror, but they came off easily with a smaller brush.  I could have also used a Q-Tip or something like that.  It came right off.

I decided to put her above our mantle in the playroom.  I figure I can hang a wreath or mossy monogram from it or something like that.  It’ll be super fun to decorate for Halloween as well!


IMG_6179 IMG_6180

The mirror looks like it’s just leaning against the wall, but it’s actually up there with a hook as well.  That way if something weird were to happen that would possibly tip the mirror over, it will get caught on the hook by the wire that runs across the back of it.  Safety first, people!

What do you think?  Do you like the silver or the gold color better?

Thanks for stopping by!  Have a great Thursday!!


I am linking up to many of these great parties:

M: DIY Showoff Project Parade, Metamorphosis Monday, Made by You Mondays, Just Something I Whipped Up, Today’s Creative Blog, Making Monday Marvelous

T: Get Your Craft On, Tip Junkie, Home Stories A to Z

W: Passionately Artistic, Twin Dragonfly Designs, Creative Spark @ Clean & Scentsible

Th: Just A Girl, Gluesticks, House of Hepworths

F: Sassy Sites, I’m Lovin’ It, Remodelaholic’s Anonymous, Frugal Friday, Friday Fun Finds, Feature Yourself Friday

S:  I Heart Naptime, Weekend Wrap-Up, Be Different, Act Normal, A Little Lovely

Su:  Under The Table & Dreaming, Remodelaholic



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Amy, you are too fun! I love reading your blog. By the way, you were the inspiration to my new obsession with Pinterest! ;)

  3. Definitely silver! It looks great Amy!

  4. I love the silver...but think it would look extra snazzy with an antiquing glaze over top!

  5. That turned out so pretty!

  6. Now if you have thunder thighs then I don't know what I have;) Now about the is incredible! I love the transformation. I wish I could find a ginormous (ginormous is a special word for special folks, lol) mirror.

  7. Looks great. I love the shape! Thanks for linking up with Lemon Tree today!

  8. Hello! I hopped on over from Lemon Tree. I love the details of the mirror and the silver is the perfect touch!

  9. So beautiful with the silver! Can't wait to see what you come up with for Halloween on the mantel! Thanks so much for linking up to The Creative Spark - hope to see you again!
    Jenn :)

  10. Beautiful! I wish someone would give me an antique mirror!

  11. This is beautiful! I am totally impressed and way into mirrors lately! I am hosting a Mirror Week over at my blog starting today! Feel free to head over there and link this gorgeous mirror up! :)

  12. I love mirrors and have way too many around the house right now that I had to resort to selling on craigslist! This makeover is just gorgeous! I love it!

  13. love the new look you gave the mirror so stylish come see me at

  14. What a beautiful REDO! THat mirror is gorgeous!!!

    I'd love to have you share this and any other of your amazing posts over at my linky party Create and Share. It posts every Wednesday. We open the party Tuesday evening at 8 pm for those who like to link up early. Hope you stop by...and follow too! ;-)

    Tara @Trendy Treehouse

  15. I'm Nicole from Romanian Princess, I am your newest follower from a blog hop! Please follow me back! Thanks!

    XoXo Nicole Mariana


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